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Full InstallPatchHelp files with installer. (442KB)
Patch Help FilesPatchHelp files for manual install. (33KB)
Visual Basic Sevice Pack 3 Runtime FilesFrom the Microsoft site, needed for either manual or auto install, unless you already have them.
WinZipZip utility to unzip files.
About PatchHelp
Patchelp v1.0.2 is a beta version for testing purposes.

Please do not give it away or post it around because then people will have the ugly (buggy?) version and probably never check for updates at: http://www.fairgame.com/

Q: What is "Patchelp"?

A: "Patch helper" or "Patch Executable Loader Program", as you wish.

Q: What does Patchelp do?

A: Patchelp is yet another program to patch Diablo(R) or Hellfire(R).

Q: What makes Patchelp worth bothering with?

A: There are a number of reasons you might consider...

  1. I've tried to be careful not to mess up your characters or your computer. Surprisingly some of the other patch programs out there have a reputation of trashing your saved character data in various ways.

  2. Patchelp makes patches possible without any "intermediate copying" or other possible infringements upon Diablo(R) or Hellfire(R)'s copyrights.

  3. Patchelp and (hopefully most of) the .elp patch files were created by people who really like the games, and are trying to fix bugs or offer enhancements. We are not trying to spoil your enjoyment or others' enjoyment of the game by "cheating." You will probably find that many of the .elp patch files make the game harder.

  4. The Patchelp .elp format for patches is (somewhat) human readable to assist you in deciding which patches you'd like to use. If you don't trust Patchelp to do the patching for you, you can always examine the patches and apply them for yourself.

  5. Patchelp does not modify your game files at all. It works by loading a program "image" into memory and then modifying it before letting it run. This is somewhat safer than programs that can only change the memory of your game while it is running. A later version of Patchelp will allow some patches while the game is running, so that you can do things like change the game play speed, which you'd possibly like to do more than once.

  6. Patchelp v1.x.x will be revised in v2.x.x to have an nicer user interface. We try to make it easy for you even in v1.0.0 but the program is a bit geeky.

Q: What do I need to get to run Patchelp?

A: Well, we assume you have Hellfire v1.01 release version and the Diablo CD. You can get the official update to Hellfire from http://www.sierra.com Also you need the Visual Basic version 5.0 (SP3) runtime files which are available from http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q180/0/71.asp

If you have all that installed then you should get [probably in a zip or install file] for Patchelp v1.0.0: patchelp.exe patchelp.txt patchelp.ini as well as a bunch of different *.elp files that are the individual patches.

All the Patchelp files should be in a nice tidy little directory, say "Patchelp", which is probably where they are if you let the installer put them there.

Q: What can I customize about Patchelp v1.0.0?

A: From the View menu you can launch an editor to change some parts of patchelp.ini

  1. in the [load] section you can change the location and filename for Hellfire(R)
  2. also you can change the commandline, adding things like "cowquest" for example

We do not recommend making any other kinds of changes in the beta version. If you haven't carefully read the About box, please do before using the program.

Q: When will Patchelp v2.0.0. and better documentation come out?

A: I don't know. Hopefully soon. Fan emails are appreciated.

Q: What Patches are available? What patches are planned?

A: See http://www.fairgame.com and read the forum there or post your questions. You can find a description of what a patch does in its .elp file [open with any text editor]. The interface and documentation for Patchelp v2.0.0 should be a big improvement.